
Where to stay in Madrid – An insider’s guide

Where to stay in Madrid – An insider’s guide

Madrid is the vibrant and charming capital of Spain and a must visit location for every traveller! From its eclectic bars and restaurants to its amazing architecture and cultural activity, we’ve got you covered on the best area to stay in Madrid! This guide will be helpful if you are planning your visit to Madrid…

16 Best Bars In Madrid To Fiesta On A Budget

16 Best Bars In Madrid To Fiesta On A Budget

So, you’ve booked your flight, your suitcase is packed and you’ve been brushing up on your GCSE Spanish so that ‘dos cervezas por favor’ now rolls off the tongue. Looks like you’re all set to party with the Madrileños! But wait, with more bars in Madrid per square mile than any other European capital, where do…

Summer Hitlist: The Best Places To Visit In Spain

Summer Hitlist: The Best Places To Visit In Spain

Spain is a DREAM of a country for backpackers, with stunning nature, buzzing cities, glorious weather, amazing surf, sociable hostels and all sorts of heavenly cheap food. One of the best things about Spain is that you can travel with relative ease between the towns and cities that scatter this epic country. The sheer number…

The 10 Best Hostels in Madrid for Fiesta and Siesta Best Hostels In Madrid

The 10 Best Hostels in Madrid for Fiesta and Siesta

The golden city of sun-drenched rooftops and Diagon Alley-esque passageways might not be on your bucket list yet. Well, wake up and smell the sangria because Madrid is fast becoming the cool kid on the European block, whilst remaining one of the most “Casitza” (genuinely Spanish) cities in Spain. It’s a goldmine for tapas and…

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